Medical marijuana for adults is still controversial. For children, it's a live grenade and possibly a lifesaver.
An anti-vaxxer organization is up in arms because a primate study it funded concluded that childhood immunizations are safe.
Research shows that BMI and weight are not necessarily the main indicators of a person's health. Additionally, what's considered an unhealthy BMI—a number that may predict the onset of chronic diseases—is not the same across all races and ethnicities.
This whole mess causes the intestines to distend, and the nerves in the intestinal walls send pain signals to the brain. Symptoms of this crippling condition can be intermittent or chronic. However, a diet low in FODMAPs appears to alleviate many of these problems.
Americans have watched as the Aedes aegypti mosquito took bites out of more than 50 countries and territories in Central and South America, the Pacific, Caribbean islands and parts of Asia. U.S. health officials have warned lawmakers and the public that local transmission of Zika is unavoidable .
Halting the slow killers that afflict the general U.S. population in epic numbers is usually at the bottom of a prison clinic's to-do list.
A growing field of neuroscience research, called neurogastronomy, seeks to understand how all five senses are involved in flavor perception—and what it means when that ability degrades.
Even the most adventurous eaters among us have, at some point, figured whatever Bourdain ate probably made him very sick.
New recommendations from the American Cancer Society add to a never-ending, contentious debate on when—and how frequently—to screen for breast cancer.
"When the stuff really starts to flower it has the same look and smell as marijuana. That’s why we have security."
The federal regulatory agency voted in favor of putting the highly controversial treatment on the market this fall.
Airplane drink orders show how environment influences taste perception.
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